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Traffic, Parking, and Shuttle

UALC Communications

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

Thanks to everyone for coming together and worshiping at Lytham Road during the renovation. The dumpster continues to fill at the main entrance and we're getting familiar with the traffic and parking patterns.

We've been using the north doors (Middlesex Road) as our new main entrance. Passengers can be dropped off there and then cars can move to the parking lots. Handicap spots are on the north, Middlesex side. Other parking is in the south Lytham Road lot and at Windermere Elementary School. We will have a shuttle picking up at both lots throughout the morning. See the map here (subject to change).

We've been in the Tabernacle (previously named Fellowship Hall) for worship and outside in the courtyard for fellowship and coffee. Adult Sunday School is meeting in the Windermere Elementary School cafeteria at 10:15 am.

Thanks to all the volunteers who have stepped up to fill many roles. Many hands make light work. See you each Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 am.

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