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New Chancel Ramp Adds Flexibility and Accessibility


The concrete for the new chancel and chancel ramp have been poured and have cured. The new chancel is deeper and wider than the previous one, which will allow for more flexible use of the space for use by the choir during special services like Celebration of Advent, use by the modern worship team, and by special events like Tetelestai, etc.

The ramp also provides access to the chancel for anyone who struggles with stairs, and will make it easier for carts to move up and down for communion setup and clean-up. It's also wide enough that, with some care, the grand piano can be moved up and down from the chancel as needed.

It is exciting to see the sanctuary taking shape, and to consider the many new uses these updates will allow. Please continue to pray for this work. Thank you for your commitments and gifts that make it all possible!

In Christ,


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